Heirs of God

Heirs of God

The triumphant church is a beacon of hope for the lost, a shelter for the weary and downtrodden, and a source of encouragement for the faithful. It is truly a place where the power of God’s love is felt and the glory of His majesty is reflected in the faces of the congregants.

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Who We Are


Our Vision

Established on the 6th of October 2002, The Triumphant Ministry International (TTMI) is a teaching ministry with a primary mandate TO MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS.

Our Mission

To help believers know and walk in the realities of the new creation.

The Triumphant Church


Great Men

Great men’s fellowship comprises of all the men in the Triumphant Family, these set of men are devoted people committed to nurturing and strengthening the spiritual lives of its members, this group exemplifies the values of faith, fellowship, and service.

Great Women

Great women comprises of all the females in the church above 18 years. The aim of the fellowship is to influence each other with their wealth of experience in life, marriage, parenting, career and the walk with Christ.

Camp David Youth

One of the main goal of the youth ministry is to provide young people a chance to develop a fruitful relationship with Jesus Christ and to learn about their identities, purposes, and destinies so that they can become leaders who can improve their community and bring families together.

Teen's Heritage

Ultimately, the impact of Christianity on teenagers can be profound and long-lasting, shaping their identities and guiding them towards a fulfilling life.

God's Heritage

At the Triumphant Ministry we understand that Children are the heritage of the Lord, and as such, we strive to always value and treasure them as God-given, by bringing them up in the way of the Lord.

The French Church

The establishment of the FRENCH CHURCH is also a major landmark in the advancement of our God given mandate. This was born out of the founders mandate to reach the FRANCOPHONE WORLD with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Triumphant Church

Weekly Activities

Church weekly activities

Sunday service

1st Service (French-translated service)

Sunday service

2nd Service (English Service)
1st Sunday of the month
9: 30am-11:30am


Every Thursday

Special Combined Thanksgiving service

1st Sunday of the month

Tuesdays - Fridays

Lunch Hour Prayer:

1st Saturday of the month

Prophetic Prayer Rain:

The Triumphant Church

Weekly Activities

Church weekly activities

The Triumphant Church

Weekly Activities

Church weekly activities


1 PM - 5 PM


1 PM - 5 PM


1 PM - 5 PM


1 PM - 5 PM


1 PM - 5 PM


1 PM - 5 PM


1 PM - 5 PM

THe Triumphant Church

Watch our sermons online

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Featured Video

Lunch Hour Prayer Service


Transform Communities Across the Globe

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The Triumphant Church

About Our Pastor

Pastor Ugochukwu Ikpeazu

Lead Pastor

About Founders

Our Latest Works

Need special prayers and/or councelling?


..from the pulpit

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Kimberly Garcia Senior Pastor, TTC

Kindness to he horrible reserved ye. Effect twenty indeed beyond for not had county. The use him without greatly can private. Increasing it unpleasant no of contrasted no continuing. Nothing colonel my no removed in weather.

Kimberly Garcia Visiting Minister

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